The Funniest Funeral


Odd things happen to me every day. I barely consider them odd anymore until I tell the story and mouths drop open and stop me mid-sentence. I pause, wondering…doesn’t this kind of thing happen to everyone? Maybe not, but it all seems normal to me.

Some time ago, my boyfriend died. He knew he was dying and he asked me to handle his final arrangements.

It’s not the kind of thing you can turn down.

At least not without imagining, thunder and lightning and all sorts of doom. So I said ok…what do you want?

He wasn’t a traditional kind of man so he didn’t want a traditional burial. He asked to be cremated and his ashes scattered in the ocean.

I don’t live anywhere near an ocean so when the time came, I decided on a river. I figured they’d get to the ocean eventually.

In life he was a joker and in death, I found out, that hadn’t changed. He was also a morning person.

I was not.

So in his honor, I decided to rise before the sun and scatter his ashes when daylight was breaking. In hindsight, it was well-intentioned but not well thought out.

It was April and the grass at that time of day was wet, very wet. The best spot on the river, the one where I imagined a beautiful but solemn dedication, was best accessed through the graveyard.

I hadn’t thought of that.

I don’t like scary movies and walking through the graveyard in the dark was not my idea of a good time, but I was determined to make this meaningful.

Finally at the river, I slipped my way through the mud to the bank and sat on a rock that was conveniently at the edge of the water. I looked around to see a beautiful blue heron standing in the river, probably wondering what I was doing there. I reached into my knapsack and pulled out the highly lacquered box. Polished wood glistened with the approaching dawn and I took out a small penknife to open the box.

I should have brought a machete.

The glue they used to seal the box was black. That should have been my first clue. Hard as cement. Maybe even harder. I sat on the rock, with the box and the knife, and contemplated my dilemma. Digging in with the penknife had not even made a dent in the inpenetrable fortress they called an urn. I needed something stronger. I picked up a rock laying nearby and for the next fifteen minutes pounded at the knife stuck in the glue, to no avail.

The sun, of course, had risen and I worried about what someone driving by might think, as I sat near the river on my quest. It didn’t take long for frustration to set in and then anger. This was not the dignified, solemn occasion I pictured it to be. I could however, picture him laughing hysterically and slapping his knee while I fought with the box.

The stages of grief it appears also apply to breaking into urns. Acceptance arrived and I stomped home, box still undamaged and a serious headache beginning to form. I know he was laughing. Impossible in life and impregnable in death.

I decided to try again but first I was going to open the box before I left the house. Turning it over, I noticed screws on the bottom that I hadn’t seen in the dark. Aha! I loosened them all and went back to bed.

Midnight was the time I decided on, but there was no way I was walking through that cemetery again. I decided the bridge would have to do. I stood on the bridge and said a little prayer, opened the box and was about to pour out the ashes, when I noticed the police cruiser.

I froze.

He drove slowly doing his evening rounds and I held my breath. If he turned his head, he would see me on the bridge and how was I going to explain why I was standing on a bridge in the middle of the night? Plus it was illegal to dump ashes. I pictured myself in the back of the cruiser headed for jail. Lucky for me, he continued on and I flung the ashes over the bridge and hightailed it out of there.

It wasn’t the memorial I had imagined, but he would have loved it.

And I just know, he was laughing hysterically.

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Max Cube in Metaplex

She sat up slowly, the pounding of her head confirming it wasn’t a dream. Had she dropped in or was it up. Hard to tell here. Max had said “Drop in anytime, Raven.” But she hadn’t imagined it to be so literal.

I’ll kick his ass, next time I see him, she thought. Never trust a man.

It was dark and she waited for her eyes to adjust. Nope. Nothing. Damn! She fished in her pocket for her keys and squinted her eyes, waiting for the flash of light that exploded from the tiny fob. It hovered above her and she looked around in the brightness. Vast expanses of grid lay before her in all directions.

Leave it to Max. Men and their toys. She walked toward a slight dip in the grid and the light followed her. Ok Max, this is slightly boring, even for you. As she approached, a box with a set of doors rose from the grid. Oh, goodie, some excitement!

Seeing no handle or button, she stood in front of them and they opened to reveal an empty box. She stepped inside and felt the box rise quickly and then drop with a thud.

Doors opened and Max stood on the other side, smiling. “Thanks for dropping in, Raven”

She flipped the mass of red curls, which had become tangled in the drop and her black eyes stared at him. “You’re such a funny guy, Max. I hope whatever you have to show me is a lot more exciting than this.”

He laughed at his friend and motioned her to follow.

(my guest blog from Metaplex)

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Sometimes Creativity Just Blows Me Away

I love  creative mind

Grinding gears and changing lines

Ideas appear

Reside in time

Grow large with life

And feel no fear

Passion ruled

Released divine

It all springs alive

in creative mind

k.service 2013

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The question came up in the get-to-know-you stage of our relationship.

We were playing twenty questions and I asked him   – boxers or briefs? His answer gave me pause. “Neither.” He said.

“Hmmm. Really?” I was shocked. “That’s kind of gross.”  Not because it is, but because in my world, I had yet to encounter anyone who said, “I don’t like underwear. They’re not comfortable.”

“I have to buy you underwear. This is just not natural.”  You just wore underwear, you didn’t think about it or question the concept, you just did it.

“But it is.” He said. “I suppose I could wear them- for you, but it would have to be silk boxers.”

“Alright then, silk boxers it is.” I said. Of course, life got busy and I never thought much of it and really, what did I care?

So here it is, two years later and he still has not worn underwear. And I’ve forgotten about it, for the most part, except when his jeans get tattered and I can see a little too much of his rear end.

“Did you know the whole world can see your business?” I say.

“That’s ok.” He says with a cheeky smile.

And it is.

Life should be lived with abandon and a certain amount of joyful expression. So if it feels good and doesn’t hurt anyone, then do it.

Be free.

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dream job

Dream jobs really do come in all shapes and sizes. That was the lesson I learned today from a good friend of mine and one I will carry around, whenever I see someone doing a job that I wouldn’t wish on anyone.

We were chatting, as we usually do, about work and family and the state of the universe, when I mentioned, I had to drive my daughter to her job at the grocery store. She perked right up then and said “Oh my God, that’s my dream job!”

I have to admit, that threw me a little, because grocery store cashier is definitely not on my list of dream careers and certainly not on my daughter’s.

I had to ask why.

She answered me with this, “Well, you can tell so much about a person, by what they have in their cart. It’s very revealing”

I should have asked the next logical question. “But why would you want to know that?” but I didn’t. Instead I half listened, as she talked about different shopping excursions and what she had purchased.

My mind was still back at “Oh my God, that’s my dream job!”

It got me thinking about what my dream job is and I realized I’m already doing it. Just not getting paid. Well, not yet anyway.

I think I’ll watch people a little more closely and wonder if they are living their dream or just passing time until their dream job comes along.




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“The people who inspire me are the ones who can walk through pain and still feel joy, the ones who know that living is about being in the moment and the ones who always make sure to hold close the ones they love because they know that in a moment, life can change forever.” Karen Service

Life can change. In an instant. One day you are going in one direction, sure of your destination, and then, it all changes and you are left bewildered and alone.

Those moments are the ones that stand out in relief against the background of your life, reaching out and challenging you to rise up and find the quiet within the storm, the still within the rush. The I AM, under the shell, close to the bone, shows up then and the measure of it, presents itself as evidence of our humanity.

Writers reach for words when all else fails. Words for comfort, for strength, for peace. And we wonder… are they enough?

I think they are.

Does inspiration spring from that which we are or that which we are not?
How are you inspired?

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Remembering the Past

I stood on a beach this week, far away from home, remembering my childhood, as waves tickled my feet with foam and my heart smiled.


And even though the occasion that warranted such a long trip was a sad one, it didn’t feel that way.

Sometimes it’s a sound, or a smell, and sometimes it’s a place, that sends your mind tumbling backwards,  into a moment in time where you hadn’t a care in the world and building a sandcastle to watch the waves gobble it up was the best part of your day.

I went there this week and it was a lovely journey.

I stood in the waves, shared memories with my brother and felt glad to be alive, with sand between my toes and glittering pebbles filling my hands.

And when we finally headed for home, I placed my pebbles in a sacred place, kissed my love and smiled once more when he said,

“Your hair smells like the beach”

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I am a writer, I AM a writer, I AM A WRITER

There are a lot of things I do, during the course of the day. Write, sing, make art and talk. None of these things have managed to produce a living for me.

They usually get me into trouble.

Let me explain.

In the act of creation, I lose myself. I wander off into the woods and it takes some time before I find my way back. You know the place I’m talking about. That place where your curiosity gets the better of you and time drifts away, never to return.

I have wandered into music. We spent gallons and gallons of money, made very little and I still have c.d. coasters in my attic.

I have wandered into art, where drawing, painting, stained glass and concrete, have all captured my time. I have designed brochures and logos for marketing projects, led art therapy workshops, and photographed two weddings.

I have written through it all.

Sometimes journals of joy or despair, sometimes stories that never seemed to find an ending and sometimes those moments in writing where you know, that the writing has a life of it’s own.

It sings on the page, swirling it’s paint brush and dancing to a beat you can’t hear, only feel.

I love those moments.

So now, I have decided that focus is in order. I will write. I will write. I will write.

And my wish is that you will join me.

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I stumbled across, as I usually do, a doorway to a new journey, and being the strange person that I am, opened the door wide and bounced right in. I stood there for a few minutes, listening as words flew over my head and I grasped at them. Breath, awareness, mantras, chanting, sitting. Great words and great concepts but confusing to the novice who asks the question, where do I start?

So I sat and placed my awareness on the breath going in and the breath going out and tried to find the place of stillness.

My mind is not still.

Like the gumball machine rubber balls, it bounces erratically in every direction, never landing where I want it to and only producing more questions.

I suppose I need a little more practice.

So if you need me, I’ll be over in the corner, sitting, and trying to push out the thought, what’s for dinner.


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Birch Trees – One of my latest paintings

Birch Trees - One of my latest paintings

I’ve always been fascinated by trees. They are the silent observers. Solid, yet pliable. They represent the changes of the seasons, the ebb and flow of the universe. Unique, varied, ranging from the ordinary to the unusual they grow or they die. The passing of time marked by the rings they hold inside or the scars they wear on the outside.

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